Be Anxious For Nothing: Ways I’m Managing My Anxiety
As a mom, 2020 has left me feeling anxious at times about what school will look like in the fall, the hard discussions around racial injustice with my eldest daughter along with seeing the rise of gun violence all throughout New York City. The feeling of helplessness can easily creep in as I sit each day uncertain of what will occur in the days or months to come. While it may bring comfort to rehearse the future in my mind, it will not help with releasing the anxiety that sits within me because of life transitions or circumstances. In the midst of this, here are some ways that I am learning to manage my anxiety during these times.
Paul talks about not feeling anxious about anything and that we can make all of our requests known to God (Philippians 4:6-7). This has been a beautiful reminder for me that I am able to come to the Lord at any time and share everything that is on my heart. That includes the moments when I’m feeling anxious about everything that may be going wrong. Not only does He hear my prayers, He confirms how his peace will guard my heart and mind when I live for Him and give thanks for everything he has done. Meditating on this verse helps me to feel less anxious and more grounded each day. I'm thankful that there have been a few tools that have helped me in moments where I’ve felt anxious.
There is an overflow of peace and calmness when I’m reminded as I wake up each morning to be joyful of God granting me another day that he has created (Psalms 118:24). At that point I’m able to sit in gratitude and really give thanks to God for what he has given me. Another affirmation that has been helpful in moments where I become anxious about financial stability is “ Lord you are my provider and I know that you will supply my every need” (Philippians 4:19). It’s hard to believe this at times especially when a job is lost or the savings account continues to deplete. Instead of worrying about what I’ve lost, I try to remember what I still have and how God continues to bless me even when he doesn’t have to.
Breathwork is intentionally taking the time to practice breathing. The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic system are the two nervous systems we have in our bodies. The parasympathetic system helps us to rest which is activated when breathwork is done. For a wife and mom of two that is working from home, it was really hard for me to learn how to be still and breathe. When I start my day now, I am able sit on a chair or lie flat on my bed and say What is the one thing I need to let go of today?
I tend to grab a pen and have a moment of self-reflection when my week has been overwhelming or intense. Immediately I know what that one thing is because it’s been on my mind all week. Whether it's the thought of not spending enough time with my children or feeling anxious about a business venture, I know at that moment that I need to let go of it all.
So I allow myself to let go of the thought of not spending enough quality time with my children. I let go of the thought of not having all the tools to start a business. I let go and allow God to take control of my life and at that moment I pray that he helps clear my mind and helps me to find peace knowing that I can cast my anxieties to him because he cares for me.